A Vision of Strength


On March 8, 2021, visionaries Nancy G. Allen (USA) and Linda Pereira (Portugal) gathered women from around the globe with one mission: to guide them on a journey to create pieces that showcased what strength means to them. 

Here we present to you their vision. These pieces together paint a global vision of women. What we have survived the past year, and the strength we have.

Thank you to all those that contributed.

We hope you enjoy and are inspired to create your own vision of women's strength.

I am proud of the woman I have become because I went through one hell of a time becoming her.


A strong woman looks a challenge dead in the face and gives it a wink.



She stood in the storm, and when the wind did not blow her away, she adjusted her sails.

~Elizabeth Edwards~

Nancy Allen
Florida, USA

Women's Business Development Council

Kathrin Ederer

Shifted Creative Solutions


Steph McFee
Florida, USA

The Why Coach

A woman is the full circle. Within her is the power to create, nurture, and transform.

~Diane Mariechild

Claudine Michel
California, USA

University of California, Santa Barbara


Carmen Perez
Florida, USA

Women's Business Development Council


Sona Ross
Florida, USA

Ross Marketing Solutions

Diane Sears
Florida, USA

DiVerse Media

Want to create your own strength piece?

We invite you to watch the replay of the Vision to Victories: Seeing Our Global Strength session and learn how to create your own strength piece.