October Openings

There has been a slight change in weather across our state, and it's as if a door has opened bringing in a new breeze of love.

This week, I have been compelled by this wind to think about, soak in, and give back love. It truly is an amazing energy when we focus on how we can change the conversation in our minds and freely give of our hearts.

I am so blessed that I am filled with love daily. From what I do, to those I engage with, I am surrounded by the warmth of the emotion.

And I am on a mission to ensure that I am opening the door for others so that they can receive and feel the love the world holds for them.

With that, let's catch up on what I've been up to this week...



“Don't wait around for other people to be happy for you. Any happiness you get you've got to make yourself.”  Alice Walker



This gave me pause.  This made me think about how language is used...

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