Two things happened recently, we crossed into the second half of 2021 and the first tropical storm of the season made landfall in Florida.
Both occurrences brought the word generate to mind. And I took some time to reflect on the word.
There are so many things we need to generate in our life. From the funds to live and support our families to the energy we need to accomplish our goals each day, generating is something we cannot get away from.
I am taking some time to focus on both aspects for myself so that I can hit my goals on both a personal and professional level.
From adding more time with my art coach to generate creative energy, to spending more time in my garden generating peaceful energy, I am making sure my personal generator is ready to carry me through the second half of this year.
Let me know what you are doing to generate what you need in the coming months.
With that, let's catch up on what I've been up to this week...
“I am not afraid of...
The rain keeps showering each day breathing life into my garden much the same way that opportunities are raining down on our team and our members.
I have been invigorated each day by the connections I am building and the stories I am hearing. While we are missing the sun, the nourishment the rain is bringing to all levels of my life and business has been outstanding.
With that, let's catch up on what I've been up to this week...
“When the whole world is silent, even one voice becomes powerful.” - Malala Yousafzai
This article popped up on my newsfeed and the title intrigued me enough to stop and read it: Four Tips for Talking with People You Disagree With, by Megan Phelps-Roper (Click here) That article led to my listening to her TED Talk on the same subject (click here). And WOW, just wow! Her story will leave you shaking your head, then nodding, and...
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Each week you will receive my Notes and Anecdotes to your inbox. This is a true labor of love for me and I hope you are inspired to create and build the business of your dreams.