Sensational September!

I welcome September with open arms, positive energy, and all my heart.

Why? Because I can.

Yes. I choose in this moment, no matter what is going on in the world, to choose joy.

I know so much may seem daunting, and you may even be feeling exhausted. But I remind you, that you have within you enormous power and strength.

You have the ability to choose.

A new month and a new season bring new opportunities if you choose to open your heart and mind to receive them.

I choose to move forward. To remember my purpose and embrace each opportunity no matter how it comes to me, as the chance to make a difference.

Whether one person or thousands of lives are changed by my work, I choose to remember that a life well-lived is a life to be proud of.

With that, let's catch up on what I've been up to this week...



"Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?" Mary Oliver



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